HOOKING AND SLICING If there's no wind and if you make your third, or accuracy, tap right on the bottom line of the Swing Zone, the ball should fly straight. But just as you can't hit every club full, it's unlikely that you can hit every shot straight. And sometimes you don't want to hit it straight. 1 How to hit a hook, so that it "draws" the ball to the left: * After your second, or distance, tap, the color descends towards the bottom line of the Swing Zone. * Press the Space Bar before the color reaches the bottom line -- in other words, swing early -- and your shot hooks to the left * How far it hooks depends upon how early you swing (the earlier the swing, the bigger the hook), and how hard you swing (if you overswing into the Power Swing Zone, the hook is randomly exaggerated) 2 How to hit a slice that "fades" the ball to the right: * After your second, or distance, tap, the color descends towards the bottom line of the Swing Zone * Press the Space Bar after the color reaches the bottom line -- in other words, swing late -- and your shot slices to the right * How far it slices depends on the same variables as hooking your shot